Warranty conditions Grow-Shop / Greendoor

Be aware: This text is auto-translated by deepl.com for easier understanding! The german version is the original and legally binding version.

The guarantee and warranty period is defined to the legal warranty claims and is 24 months.

For devices that are more or less in continuous operation, the warranty period is limited to 6 months (illuminants, ventilation, climate controller, etc.).

The warranty given by us expires if changes have been made to our delivery or service or repairs have not been carried out by us, unless we have given our express consent. Likewise, the warranty shall expire if the customer fails to take appropriate steps after damage has occurred. He is in any case obliged to mitigate the damage. All warranty services will only be performed upon presentation of the purchase receipt.

Natural wear and tear, consumption, excessive use, damage caused by operation outside the product-specific limits, disregard of operating instructions, inadequate maintenance are excluded from the warranty.

Electrical devices and kits may only be installed by professionally trained persons. Liability for installations excluded.

The warranty of recirculation fans is excluded, among others, if: the fan has been operated in an ambient humidity of more than 80% relative humidity or has been sprayed in the immediate vicinity (operation outside the limit data, improper use) or the device has been in operation for a long time 24h a day (wear, excessive use). The units are not suitable for continuous use. We recommend regulating the circulating air fans by means of a timer.